1967 Rich Garrone and Tom Jenkins
1969 Rich Garrone Willie Knish Jimmy Johnson
1969 Peter O'tooles desk in Look Hall
1969 Rich Mammola Peter O'toole Al Normideau
1969 Paul Mahoney Al Normideau Charlie Nieozielski Rich Mammola Peter O'toole
1968 Rich Mammola and Peter O'toole
Tony Massone Tom Reily Peter O'toole Willie Knishi Jimmy Johnson
Charlie Niedzielski MS Norwood (House Mother) Paul Mahoney
1967 Phil Caposselo Tom Nave Tom Reily Tony Massone Jim Devaney Willie Knishi Jimmy Johnson Rich Garrone
1967 John Wisnewski dressing out his deer
1967 Deer hanging out at Look Hall before being butchered by John Wisnewski
1967 Parents Weekend Peter O'toole and parents Jack and Mary O'toole